Massage is a therapeutic method, which is a set of techniques of mechanical and reflex action on tissues and organs. It is performed by hand or with the help of special apparatuses. It is considered a natural and effective way to improve health. Massage provides a direct effect on receptors located on the surface of the body, and indirectly on deeper structures. It relieves fatigue and tension after a tiring day's work, counteracts excess weight and acts as a component of therapeutic and restorative measures actively used in sports practice.
Everyone who has ever attended a session must have wondered about the benefits of massage, because it can not only relax the body, but also help normalize many processes in the body. Depending on a particular organ or system, the effect of massage on the body will manifest itself in certain actions. Here are the benefits of massage for you:
Back, neck and lower back pain are frequent allies of people who lead inactive lifestyles due to prolonged sitting at a computer or behind the wheel of a car. Trying to eliminate pain, many use painkillers, which do not have a full effect, but only relieve discomfort for a few hours. To get rid of pain for a long time and improve the overall condition, it is recommended to use therapeutic massage.
Therapeutic massage helps relieve pain, improves blood circulation and relieves muscle tension. This type of massage is used to correct certain diseases and conditions such as osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and scoliosis. It can also significantly improve quality of life by strengthening the immune system and promoting deep relaxation of the body.
Intense training is always accompanied by strong muscle tension. However, in order to maximize the effect, it is not enough to warm up, it is necessary to carry out a whole set of recovery procedures. Massage followed by water treatment is an excellent solution. It will relieve tension, minimize pain, and restore muscles faster.
Muscle spasms and tension are eliminated, which leads to reduced pain and restoration of elasticity and mobility. Therefore, it is particularly important in the treatment of injuries and rehabilitation after surgery.
Preventing malfunctions in vital systems and organs is better than treating them. In order to prevent diseases from taking over the body, it is important to strengthen the natural mechanism, namely immunity. Massage improves blood flow and lymph flow. This contributes to a more effective nutrition of cells and tissues, speeding up the removal of toxins from the body. As a result, it reduces swelling and improves metabolism.
Also, this is facilitated by proper nutrition, active lifestyle, absence of bad habits, adequate sleep and, finally, massage.
Quality sleep is an essential aspect of feeling good and alert during the day. In order to improve it and get rid of insomnia, it is worth taking a massage course. Massage affects the nervous system, reducing stress and strengthening psycho-emotional balance. It will relieve tension, reduce the level of stress hormones in the blood and help establish biorhythms through the production of serotonin, because it controls the human biological clock. Relaxing essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, cypress, cedarwood, neroli and frankincense can help enhance the massage effect. Regular therapeutic massage sessions relieve nervous tension and promote deep relaxation.
Headaches are not always a sign of serious illness. They are often associated with overstretching of the neck muscles, which is accompanied by poor blood flow to the brain. Taking pain pills is not the answer. It is best to have a 30-minute massage of the neck and shoulders. A light massage of the temporal zone and the area behind the ears is also welcome. It is important to remember that premature intervention can lead to chronic pain.
Massage can't be called a panacea, but it contributes to the weight loss process. Thanks to intensive muscle warming and improved blood microcirculation, metabolic processes are significantly improved, metabolism is activated, and the process of splitting fat cells is accelerated. In addition, massage reduces the appearance of cellulite, making the skin on the thighs and buttocks smoother and more even. To achieve maximum results through massage, it is important to fundamentally review your diet in favor of a balanced diet, include in the care of special cosmetics and engage in active sports.
One of the most important expert tips after a massage is to drink more water! The body's water balance plays a crucial role in human life, especially after a relaxing and intense process such as massage. Water also helps increase joint mobility, which is very important if the massage is on the arms or legs. Water prevents swelling and helps reduce pain.
After a massage, it is important to stay warm and comfortable to help your body recover. Do not cool your body too quickly after a massage, especially if you have just had a deep massage or oil massage. This can lead to muscle spasms and soreness. Pay attention to the comfort of your surroundings, make sure that the room where you spend your time after the massage is warm and comfortable enough, thus ensuring that your body and mind are relaxed and calm.
After massage, the body remains in a relaxed state and the muscles are in a softer and more sensitive state. Therefore, experts do not recommend taking hot baths or showers in the first few hours after the procedure. Hot water and steam increase body temperature and dilate blood vessels, which can lead to additional pressure and strain on the cardiovascular system. In addition, water can wash away massage oil that remains on the skin for hours after treatment and helps preserve massage results.
After the massage, you should give your body time to rest and recover. Avoid physical activity as it can damage muscles that have just been relaxed by massage. If you are susceptible to sports activities, do not engage in them for several hours after treatment. You should also avoid doing heavy physical labor or lifting heavy things. If you can't avoid exertion, use proper technique to avoid muscle damage.