Many people face the problem of losing the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, which often leads to incontinence, decreased libido, or complete absence. This negatively affects the emotional state and intimate life. It used to be thought that muscle tone loss occurs only in women during the postpartum period, but over time it has become apparent that anyone can deal with this problem. When asked how to tone the pelvic floor muscles, many remember the well-known Kegel exercises. Often they give good results, but take too much time. But recently another, no exaggeration, miracle cure has been added to this list, specifically the pelvic floor chair.
The pelvic floor chair is a safe technique for intimate rehabilitation that helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor chair resembles an ordinary round stool. You can sit on it in any comfortable clothes, which ensures hygiene. At the same time, no discomfort is felt during the operation of the equipment, so you can read a book or even work remotely from your phone in the process.
Before the pelvic floor chair session, the doctor conducts a consultation in which he identifies indications in accordance with the complaint or diagnosis. If there are no contraindications, it prescribes a procedure.
The specialist helps the patient to take a comfortable position. It is important to ensure maximum contact between the pelvic floor and the seat of the pelvic floor chair. Then the doctor chooses the appropriate mode, and the device begins to produce pulses of varying intensity, which affect the muscles of the pelvic floor. As a result, they begin to contract, which contributes to their natural training and strengthening.
The pelvic floor chair has positioning sound waves that resonate with various parts of the upper body, releasing and stimulating pelvic muscles, and causing muscles to come into strong contact and relaxation, which is much better than other conventional exercises. That is, the idea is the same as Kegel's, but the intensity of stimulation is nowhere near as good as a stand-alone workout.
During the session, the patient feels the vibration: muscles are compressed and relaxed alternately, stimulating muscles that in everyday life a person cannot tense on their own. They not only get a workout, they learn to work properly.
The pelvic floor chair is designed to restore weakened pelvic floor muscles and restore neuromuscular control, eliminate urinary incontinence, improve pelvic organ topography and sensitivity, which helps to gain self-confidence and improve quality of life. A course of intimate rehabilitation on the pelvic floor chair is recommended for therapeutic purposes, as well as for prevention. You will no longer need to use pads.
After the pelvic floor chair, you can go about your business, do sports and go to work – there is no recovery period. The effect is cumulative and increases with time. Many patients experience positive dynamics immediately after the first session. After a course of procedures, a few weeks later, the effect increases and lasts for 6 months, then sessions can be repeated.
The pelvic floor chair helps eliminate such a problem as urinary incontinence, affecting the pelvic floor health problem in a completely non-invasive way. The treatment trains muscles, improves microcirculation and normalizes rhythmic processes. Pelvic floor stool helps women and men of all ages regain the joy of life.
The pelvic floor chair is relevant at any age, not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of various pelvic floor muscle problems.
According to clinical studies conducted in Russia, the United States and other countries, 95% of people treated reported a significant improvement in quality of life with incontinence of all degrees and types. Changes in pelvic floor muscle function were confirmed by ultrasound examination. At 67%, the need for sanitary pads was completely eliminated.
One session was enough to feel an improvement. However, to achieve the desired result, it is recommended to take a full course of pelvic floor chairs 6 to 10 times. Their number depends on the indications and peculiarities of the body.
However, there is a standard list of contraindications for pelvic floor muscle stimulation, as for any other medical procedure. These include pregnancy and lactation, acute stages of chronic diseases, the presence of implants, etc. Consult a specialist before the session and answer questions honestly. If you have any illnesses, you should consult your doctor before using a pelvic floor chair.