When it comes to rehabilitation, most people lack effective knowledge about physical rehab. In fact, there is hardly a clinical department that does not require rehabilitation. Stroke patients need rehabilitation, muscle and joint injuries need rehabilitation, postpartum rehabilitation, postoperative rehabilitation, patients with various diseases, and even mental illnesses need rehabilitation. Recovery therapy is not just for sick, disabled patients; everyone needs mental health care. A good recovery physical therapy is no less effective than even surgery.
Rehabilitation therapy refers to the integrated and coordinated use of various treatments such as physical therapy, psychotherapy and rehabilitation care to eliminate or reduce the physical, mental and social dysfunctions of the sick and disabled, to make up for and rebuild the missing functions of the patient, to improve their living conditions, to enhance their self-care capacity, to enable the patient to resume work, life and study, so that they can return to society and improve their quality of life.
The goal of recovery therapy is not to restore the patient to a healthy state or condition before the onset of the disease, but to improve the quality of life, eliminate and reduce functional disorders that may appear or have appeared to affect the patient's quality of life, and restore the patient's self-care capacity to the greatest extent possible.
The international definition of rehabilitation focuses not only on the disease, but also on the full rehabilitation of the individual, including physical, psychological, social and economic capabilities. Recovery therapy is in line with public health, to meet the needs of people for the treatment of disease, life extension and other aspects of accidental injury, disability caused by disease, recovery after surgery.
Rehabilitation medicine, which is the inevitable trend of human medical development, is also the result of scientific and technological progress. Vibroacoustic therapy equipment is designed specifically for rehabilitation physiotherapy, helping patients accelerate physical recovery.
Recovery therapy generally includes physical therapy, psychotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and medication. Different therapies are available for different diseases, and it is necessary to choose the appropriate treatment according to the individual's condition and physical condition.
1. Physical therapy. One is the use of physical principles, or instrument movement, to achieve the therapeutic effect, including exercise therapy and massage therapy. Another is the use of physical factors as the main means of physical therapy treatment, such as infrared sauna, vibroacoustic therapy equipment.
2. Psychotherapy. Patients are treated with suggestive therapy, music therapy, hypnotherapy, and spiritual support therapy to enable them to participate in recovery therapy, family, and social life with a positive and active attitude.
3. Speech therapy. Targeted treatment for patients with speech disorders, hearing disorders, and swallowing disorders to restore or improve patients' communication ability and swallowing function.
4. Occupational therapy. Instruct patients to carry out therapeutic methods in daily life training, such as living, working and studying. Reduce disability, maintain health, and enable patients to adapt to life and the social environment.
5. Medication therapy. Usually, rehabilitation treatment needs to be accompanied by medication. For example: post-operative rehabilitation, mental health care, disease rehabilitation, etc.
As stated earlier, rehabilitation medicine is the result of scientific progress. In addition to traditional massage therapies such as acupuncture, tui na, cervical and lumbar traction, etc., more complete and common in most current medical systems is physical therapy, which is mainly done through medical equipment.
Today, even more vibroacoustic therapy equipment has been developed, such as vibroacoustic therapy beds, vibroacoustic physical therapy parallel bars, vibroacoustic chairs and so on. Using vibroacoustic physiotherapy, sound is transmitted into vibrations that pass through the body in a soothing healing motion, bringing the body into a healthy resonance state, thus relaxing the body and achieving recovery therapy.
Vibroacoustic therapy is an amazing treatment for many chronic conditions and has been clinically proven effective in multiple settings. This includes stroke rehabilitation, mental health care, muscle recovery and more. It is used in a variety of settings, such as recovery centers, health centres, community health centres, homes, rehabilitation physical therapy centres, etc.
In recent years, the need for physical rehab has become increasingly acute. In the future, recovery therapy will reach out to families.