
Produttore leader di camere di ossigeno iperbariche  Dal momento che 2012

Rhythm technology
Camera di ossigeno iperbarica
Con la camera di ossigeno iperbarica, goditi il ​​puro relax, il miglioramento della circolazione, la disintossicazione e le cure personalizzate per tutte le esigenze. Aumenta i tuoi livelli di energia, riduci lo stress, migliora la salute della pelle e raggiungi il benessere generale. Unisciti alla rivoluzione oggi!
Cerca l'agente del prodotto OEM/ODM
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Sales products

We have invested in the highest quality and standards. Our headset are current with trends and are of the newest technologies available.
Camera di ossigeno iperbarica
Exquisite design, selected materials
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2 person infrared sauna
Vibroacoustic Therapy Sauna
Sound experience
Exquisite design, selected materials
Sound experience
Exquisite design, selected materials
Sound experience
Exquisite design, selected materials
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DIDA Technology Founded in 2012

Fornitore di camere di ossigeno iperbariche

1). Lo spazio interno è spazioso senza sembrare opprimente, adatto a utenti claustrofobici.
2) . La cabina è solida e può essere decorata secondo le proprie preferenze.
3) . Sistema citofonico per comunicazione bidirezionale.
4) . Sistema di controllo automatico della pressione dell'aria, la porta è sigillata dalla pressione.
5) . Il sistema di controllo combina compressore d'aria e concentratore di ossigeno.
6) . Misure di sicurezza: Con valvola di sicurezza manuale e valvola di sicurezza automatica,
7) . Fornisce il 96%±3% di ossigeno sotto pressione tramite una cuffia/maschera facciale per ossigeno.
8) . Sicurezza dei materiali e ambiente: protezione del materiale in acciaio inossidabile.
9) . ODM & OEM: personalizza il colore per richieste diverse.
Dida Healthy - Physical Therapy Equipment Manufacturers
Let Sound Waves Shake the World
Guangzhou Dida Technology Co., Ltd. is a physical therapy equipment company dedicated to the research, development, and application of vibroacoustic therapy since 2012. Dida Healthy has a professional R&D team, an excellent production management team, and high-quality and stable industry partners.
Our mission
Let sonic rhythm technology better serve human health and a better life!
 Our goal
Intelligent, professional, sports, entertainment, and aging.
Our Mission
Let sonic rhythm technology better serve human health and a better life!
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Cooperative Institutions

Our footprint covers the whole country (the following are only some users)

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Patent Technology Display
Has 12 kinds of national invention patent application and 11 kinds of product application technology
01. A type of acoustic vibration motor, national invention application patent number: 201810841308.7
02. A type of acoustic vibrator, national invention application patent number: 201810843405. X
03. Acoustic Vibration Control System V10, Computer Software Copyright Certificate: 2018R342294
04. A new type of far infrared sound wave vibration hyperthermia box device, national invention application patent number: 20.1821043708.5
05. A new type of far-infrared acoustic vibration hyperthermia bed, national invention application patent number: 201821025919.6
06. A new type of acoustic vibration training walker, national invention application patent number: 201821021926.4
07. Magnetic Field Optimization Interpretation Technique Using Generator Finite Element Method (FEM) Inertia swing design and manufacturing technology for 08 sonic vibration actuator
09. Application Technology of Sound System Using Sonic Vibration Actor
10. Vertical Guidance and Cushion Spring Design Technology
11. Acceleration sensor and infrared sensor control technology
12. Control Circuit Design and MCU Program Design Techniques for Controlling Acoustic Vibration Sports Equipment
13. Design techniques for the converter circuit and program vibration for starting the sonic vibration actuator
14. Design Techniques for Vibration Sports Equipment Using Sonic Vibration Actor
15. Mechanical Interpretation Techniques for Vibration Sports Equipment Using ANSYS
16. Program Design Techniques for Exercise Prescriptions Based on the User's Biomechanical Characteristics
17. Trial Product Manufacturing and Equipment Performance Evaluation Techniques
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